True wellness exists when the body, mind, and spirit are in balance and harmony.

Every individual possesses the internal intelligence that directs them toward wellness. Let me help guide you.

I am a physician, counselor, writer and teacher. I have studied and taught different forms of healing and have a unique understanding of the mind-body connection, emotions, energy and medicine. I was trained in Western Medicine and Mental Health Counseling and I also have a deep appreciation for Spirituality and Energy Healing. Utilizing my extensive training, I provide a holistic wellness assessment for individuals and groups. I work with clients to help guide and support them on their self-healing and wellness paths.

Jennifer Friedman Wellness Offerings

“Every aspect of you is perfect...

There’s nothing to let go, nothing to forgive, nothing to attain. You already are everything you need to be. It can seem so complicated, but it’s not.”

— Anita Moorjani